Congratulations to Alexander Smirnov on his well-deserved award!

Congratulations to Alexander Smirnov on his well-deserved award!

We are pleased to announce that the President of the International Inclusive Committee Alexander Smirnov has won the Russian Government Prize! This high award was presented to him by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Alexander Novak at a ceremony.

This recognition is the result of Alexander’s many years of work in the field of inclusion and support for people with disabilities. His efforts to develop inclusive sports and create an accessible environment for all people inspire and motivate. Thanks to his leadership and initiatives, many athletes with disabilities have had the opportunity to demonstrate their talents and achieve high results on the world stage.
Prize for the contribution of business and NGOs to achieving national goals and implementing national projects.

National projects of Russia are a presidential platform for sustainable development of the country and improving the standard of living of people. National projects are the work of the entire nation: the state, business, and NGOs.

The National Prize “Our Contribution” is a mechanism for publicly recognizing the contribution of business and NGOs to the implementation of national project objectives.
We are proud that Alexander continues to inspire us with his example and encourage everyone to join his mission to create a world where everyone can reach their potential regardless of limitations.

We congratulate Alexander Smirnov on this wonderful award and wish him further success and new achievements on the path to inclusion and support for people with disabilities!

President of the International Inclusive Committee Alexander Smirnov held a number of meetings at the BRICS International Forum, which takes place in Moscow.

Prezident «Mezhdunarodnogo Inklyuzivnogo Komiteta» Aleksandr Smirnov soveshchaniya na Mezhdunarodnom forume BRICS. Predstaviteli boleye 10 stran, vklyuchaya Yegipet, Kitay, Iran, Braziliyu, Indiyu, Afriku, Argentinu i drugiye strany, vse vyrazili svoyu solidarnost’ i gotovnost’ k sotrudnichestvu. Oni podderzhali napravleniye i vyrazili zhelaniye prisoyedinit’sya k «Mezhdunarodnomu inklyuzivnomu komitetu». Takzhe, vse uchastniki peregovorov zayavili o svoyom zhelanii razvivat’ adaptivnyy i inklyuzivnyy sport, vklyuchaya adaptivnoye tkhekvondo. Oni poprosili o podderzhke i konsul’tatsiyakh v etom napravlenii. Bylo resheno soglasovat’ vizity nashikh spetsialistov i trenerov dlya provedeniya master-klassov i obucheniya nashikh novykh partnorov, osnovnym vidom sporta dlya obucheniya byl oboznachen adaptivnoye tkhekvondo. Byli namecheny ryad sovmestnykh meropriyatiy, sredi kotorykh «Kubok BRICS» po adaptivnomu tkhekvondo, kotoryy skoro proydet v stolitse Belorussii, gorode Minsk. Eto otlichnyye novosti o prodvizhenii inklyuzivnogo sporta i podderzhke adaptivnogo tkhekvondo na mezhdunarodnom urovne! Uchastiye predstaviteley boleye chem 10 stran, vyrazivshikh svoyu gotovnost’ k sotrudnichestvu i razvitiyu inklyuzivnogo sporta, yavlyayetsya vazhnym shagom k sozdaniyu boleye ravnykh vozmozhnostey dlya vsekh lyudey, vne zavisimosti ot ikh vozmozhnostey. Inklyuzivnyy sport obogashchayet obshchestvo, sposobstvuyet vnedreniyu kontseptsii ravnykh prav i vozmozhnostey dlya vsekh grupp naseleniya. Takiye initsiativy, kak provedeniye master-klassov i obucheniya sportsmenov v oblasti adaptivnogo tkhekvondo, pomogut dal’she rasprostranit’ ponimaniye i populyarizatsiyu etoy distsipliny sredi mezhdunarodnoy obshchestvennosti. Nadeyus’, chto eti shagi privedut k usileniyu vzaimodeystviya mezhdu stranami i povysyat uroven’ podderzhki inklyuzivnogo sporta vo vsem mire. Vazhno prodolzhat’ sotrudnichestvo i obmenivat’sya opytom dlya razvitiya inklyuzivnogo sporta vo vsem mire.

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