We live in an era when inclusion in sports is becoming an important part of public life. Every child, regardless of physical abilities, has the right to play sports and participate in the active life of society. In this context, the International Inclusion Committee is taking significant steps to support and develop adaptive sports.
Recently, the Committee carried out a charitable transfer of equipment to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Dagestan “Republican Center for Social and Labor Adaptation and Career Guidance named after U.M. Murtuzalieva”. As part of this initiative, specialized soccer balls and equipment for adaptive football were donated. This is not just a sum of equipment, but an opportunity for children with disabilities to discover new horizons, develop physical activity and socialization.
Equipment for adaptive football was also provided in Belarus. These projects are aimed at ensuring that as many children as possible can find their place in the world of sports, develop self-confidence and improve their health. Sport helps not only to develop physical fitness, but also to build team spirit, resolve conflicts, teach respect and interaction.
It is important to remember that sport is not only a competition, it is a way of self-expression, an opportunity to overcome stereotypes and barriers. Every child, regardless of circumstances, deserves the opportunity to do what they love and feel part of something bigger.
The International Inclusion Committee will continue to support such important initiatives, understanding that inclusion in sport is the way to create a society in which every person is valuable and important. Let’s support inclusive initiatives together and help children with disabilities find their place in the world of sport